Export Submissions

HTML Forms Premium adds the ability to export your form submissions to a spreadsheet file on your computer. This is an excellent way to pull data from your site for backup or to send to others. This feature includes a simple feature to offer additional control over the export file format.

How to Export Submissions for a Form

Once you have installed HTML Forms Premium, the Submissions tab on your forms will automatically include a button labeled Export Submissions. Pushing this button will trigger a download of a spreadsheet file containing every submission for that form.

Settings for Export Submissions

Unfortunately, not all spreadsheet programs are created equally. Certain programs open up files expecting different delimiters between data. A delimiter helps determine how data is organized into columns. The HTML Forms Settings screen, with Premium installed, will allow you to set the Export Delimiter of the file with one of four choices: a comma, a semicolon, a tab, or a vertical bar.

Screenshot of HTML Forms Premium Export Delimiter Setting for File Uploads

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