HTML Forms Premium


We offer a Premium add-on that provides our HTML Forms plugin with an additional set of features. Receive admin notifications, include additional field types in your forms, communicate with third-party services via webhooks, and more. The HTML Forms Premium add-on takes an already great plugin and makes it even better for you and your WordPress projects.

Admin Notifications

The HTML Forms Premium add-on places notification badges for new (unseen) submissions. These badges appear in the admin menu and the form list.

Notifications feature found in the HTML Forms Premium add-on.


Ping other web services as soon as a form submission comes in. This powerful feature lets you connect HTML Forms to a nearly unlimited number of third-party services.

Webhooks feature found in the HTML Forms Premium add-on.

File Upload Field

Safely allow your visitors to upload files on your forms. Uploaded files can be managed from your WordPress Media Center.

File Upload feature found in the HTML Forms Premium add-on.

Export to CSV

Export your form submissions to CSV with a single button. This is a one-click solution to make viewing large quantities of submissions easier.

Export submissions feature found in the HTML Forms Premium add-on.

Submission Limit

Set a submission limit, using the HTML Forms Premium add-on, to control how many times your forms can be processed.

Set a submission limit to control how many times a form can be processed.

Require Users to Log In

Prevent forms from being viewed and submitted unless the visitor is already logged in to your WordPress site.

Prevent forms from being viewed and submitted unless the visitor is already logged in to your WordPress site.

Data Management

The Premium addon lets you rename or delete data columns straight from the WordPress admin.

Data management feature found in the HTML Forms Premium add-on.

HTML Forms Premium Add-on Pricing

We offer three HTML Forms Premium options:
Single, Plus & Pro


  • Use on 1 WordPress Site Only
  • All Premium Features Including:
    • Admin Notifications
    • Webhooks
    • File Upload Field
    • Export to CSV
    • Submission Limit
    • Require Users to Log In
    • Data Management
  • 1 Year of Updates
  • Premium Support
Buy Now

  • Use on 3 WordPress Sites
  • All Premium Features Including:
    • Admin Notifications
    • Webhooks
    • File Upload Field
    • Export to CSV
    • Submission Limit
    • Require Users to Log In
    • Data Management
  • 1 Year of Updates
  • Premium Support
Buy Now

  • Use on 10 WordPress Site
  • All Premium Features Including:
    • Admin Notifications
    • Webhooks
    • File Upload Field
    • Export to CSV
    • Submission Limit
    • Require Users to Log In
    • Data Management
  • 1 Year of Updates
  • Premium Support
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* Licenses give you access to premium support and plugin updates for one year. Licenses automatically renew annually if not cancelled. All prices are USD. You can change plans or cancel your account at any time.

Money Back Guarantee

HTML Forms Premium comes with a 14 day money back guarantee. You can ask for, and recieve, a full refund on your purchase within 14 days of your purchase. No questions asked.

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