Redirect to URL After Form Submit

You can configure HTML Forms to redirect to a certain page on your website after each successful form submission. An example use case would be to send visitors to a “Thank You” page after they submit your form.

To set this up, open up your form, navigate to the Settings tab and locate the setting for a redirect:

Redirect to URL feature found in the HTML Forms WordPress plugin.

Make sure to use complete (absolute) URL’s and to redirect to a page that describes that the form was processed successfully. You don’t want to confuse your visitors with a random redirect.

Template Variables

HTML Forms provides several template variables you can use in your form content. These form variables will be dynamically replaced when the form is shown. Currently, you can use the following variables.


Will be replaced with the specified property of the currently logged-in user.

{{ user.user_email }}


This will be replaced with a parameter from the page URL, or with an empty string if the specified URL parameter does not exist.



This will be substituted with the specified property of the post that is viewed on the page the form is displayed on.


Hide Form Fields After Submission

Hiding a form after it was successfully submitted is easy with HTML Forms.

Open up your form, navigate to the Settings tab and toggle the setting shown below to Yes.

Hide form feature found in the HTML Forms WordPress plugin.

This will hide your form fields after the form is submitted without errors. The success message you enter will still show, regardless of the setting.